Click on picture to enlarge it.
The Watchtower covers itself for every contengency. If they show an increase it is because of Jehovah's blessing. If they show a decrease it is because of Satan and they quote the scripture about the road to life is narrow....
Now they have a new tactic. Although they have greatly increased their presence in third world countries, they have not had the expected success. So their explanation is that although the meek respond well, they are not expecting a mass exodus out of non-christian nations. So if we do not see significant numbers to account for the billions of hours spent in field service it is understandable. I suppose this is in addition to the invisible growth that we also do not see.
They also stress that we should not give up preaching in those areas.
thats very sad for those who werent born into the "right wrong religion".
It is typical Watchtower propaganda and philosophy spewing forth once again through the pages of its journal. And like typical cult-like teaching and philosophy labels are place on mass individuals and an ‘us vs. them’ mentality is reinforced with such catch phrases as “the rest of the men”.
God help the honest hearted ones to come out of this cult-like organization.
I can't help but wonder if the decision for all of the increased presence in developing countries hinged on the fact that the internet is no where near as ubiquitous as it is in developed countries.
In any event, it looks like the plan isn't working as expected.
The whole paragraph is bull sh--.
" authoritative bible based statements(!!) in the publications of the "faithful and discreet slave" (!?! )contain a stinging message (oh, boy!)and they use the parallel of 'locust tails with stings like scorpions and horse tails with tails like serpents' to represent the urgent, 'stinging' warning of the day of vengeance, but yet as stated in the next post these 'important publications sit on shelves for 6 months before release!!!?
So you are encouraged to be courageous(no one likes to get 'stung' so therefore they won't like you or your message!) and zealous( why?, they have already been collecting dust for 6 months.
Those non-Christians are cleverly referred to as 'the rest of the men' so already labeled as dead, but you must 'persevere' because the watchtower must distribute, distribute, distribute, to show good numbers.
What's your point?
Better yet, what is your solution for salvation?
Jesus? Well get out there and go door to door and preach him.
I do not understand the "Theocratic" Joker, Who by his name show his ignorance because he is mocking God Rule or the rest of you. If you are so offended by what is being printed why do you spend so much time reading and bringing it to everyone's attention these points you have issue with. I do not quite get people like you. I did wrong and now I am paying the consequences for MY actions. I do not blame Jehovah or the organization. I only come here to find out what I am missing since I am out of the loop. Your article on why it take six months to get info printed instead of posting it on the web. So how long do you think it took for the letters to be circulated in the first century among the congregations? Jehovah allowed time for them to make their rounds. Do you doubt the importance of them? You know he could have performed a miracle and had them written by anyone but he had a channel and he allowed it to take its due course. Grow up.
thank you 1 Tim 1 for stating the obvious.
It is good to see there are wise ones like you here.
And your scripture is good.
Fine warfare is what we do against these jokers.
This mandate I commit to you, child, Timothy, in accord with the predictions that led directly on to you, that by these you may go on waging the fine warfare; 19 holding faith and a good conscience, which some have thrust aside and have experienced shipwreck concerning [their] faith.
Again, why does Jehovah hate Chinese people?
The next time the J-Dubs knock on your door, please ask them why Jehovah hates the Chinese.
JWs believe that at any moment, Jesus Christ and his Execution Forces will come from Heaven and slaughter one billion Chinese people, so that JWs can live in a Paradise.
Jehovah does not hate Chinese people. He just can not understand their language. No one can. They can not even understand it. That is why these underage girls were in the olympics. They can not even read their own birth certificates.
1Tim 1:18-20 said...
I do not understand the "Theocratic" Joker, Who by his name show his ignorance because he is mocking God Rule or the rest of you. If you are so offended by what is being printed why do you spend so much time reading and bringing it to everyone's attention these points you have issue with.
Because the Watchtower Society is misleading people with false predictions about the end of this system and deception about what they've done in the past. People should know about the cult control techniques and the dishonest translation of the Bible that they pass off as 'scholarly'.
I do not quite get people like you. I did wrong and now I am paying the consequences for MY actions. I do not blame Jehovah or the organization.
That's because the Watchtower Society has convinced you that they are right and that they have a right to tell your JW friends and family not to talk to you.
They are wrong and what they are doing to you is emotional torture.
I only come here to find out what I am missing since I am out of the loop. Your article on why it take six months to get info printed instead of posting it on the web. So how long do you think it took for the letters to be circulated in the first century among the congregations? Jehovah allowed time for them to make their rounds. Do you doubt the importance of them?
There was no such thing as oh... a postal system or say... the internet in the first century. It took time to circulate letters because someone had to actually carry them to the next congregation.
You know he could have performed a miracle and had them written by anyone but he had a channel and he allowed it to take its due course.
Here is another Watchtower Society fallacy that they have slipped into the consciousness of their members - That Jehovah uses an earthly organization. There was no 'organization' in the first century.
Grow up.
Grow up indeed. (Hebrews 6:1) Let us press on to maturity,... and not let the Watchtower Society be (2 Corinthians 1:24) . . .masters over YOUR faith.
" Voice of Reason said...
Jehovah does not hate Chinese people. He just can not understand their language. No one can. They can not even understand it. That is why these underage girls were in the olympics. They can not even read their own birth certificates."
I'm going to totally ignore your tremendous cultural insensitivity and lay out the real story according to the Watchtower Society.
First two people lived in a park where the wife ate some fruit and gave it to her husband. Then lions, tigers, bears and pandas were mean to people. Then God sends His son to earth where does some really cool party tricks, gets on the nerves of the Jews who have the Romans execute Him. But this is all part of the big plan, because once Jesus was resurrected to heaven, he only had to wait almost 2000 years before He found a guy ranting about how God told him through a pyramid that the end of the world was going to happen in 1914. Of course Jesus picked crazy pyramid guy to be his faithful and discreet slave who would be responsible for telling everyone that after 1914 there would be no more human governments on earth and people would once again live in a park with lots of friendly lions, tigers, bears and pandas to pet. Yay!
And that's why God hates Chinese people.
Voice of Reason (alias Ronde) tells GBL: "Well get out there and go door to door and preach him [Jesus]."
That's interesting because when Ronde was asked about preaching door-to-door, he let everyone know that he could be more effective with preaching on the Internet and he has chosen it as his field to preach.
So, isn't that a little hypocritical? (btw: This is why so many are crying out to Ronde to please get professional help.)
Ronde stated, "Jehovah does not hate Chinese people. He just can not understand their language."
This is a very interesting God that JW's worship. Unabled to understand the Chinese language?
Ronde, check out:
Your Such an idiot
The Watchtower, the Watchtower, the Watchtower..........blah, blah, blah
Who cares.
Shut up and get off your ass and do something constructive.
Oh Shawn.....you have captured the essence of God's Holy Word perfectly.
Thank goodness we are blessed with cerebial giants like yourself to explain the deeper thing of life.
I think I love you.
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