Friday, December 24, 2010

Is Jehovah Using an Earthly Organization?

As the word "organization" does not appear in the Bible, the Watchtower uses 1 Corinthians 14:33 - "God is a God, not of disorder, but of peace" - to indicate that an Organization is necessary. However, the existence of an organization does not guarantee order, nor is an organization a prerequisite for orderliness.
In an attempt to enforce the authority of the Watchtower Society, articles claim God has always operated though a single organization.
"The Bible shows that Jehovah has always guided his servants in an organized way. The nation of Israel was called "Jehovah's congregation." (Numbers 20:4; 1 Chronicles 28:8) If you were a true worshiper of Jehovah back then, you had to be part of that congregation of worshipers, not separate from it. Did Jehovah ever use more than one organization during any period of time? In Noah's day only Noah and those with him inside the ark had God's protection and survived the floodwaters. (1 Peter 3:20) Also, in the first century there were not two or more Christian organizations. God dealt with just the one. There was just the "one Lord, one faith, one baptism." (Ephesians 4:5) Likewise in our day Jesus Christ foretold that there would be only one source of spiritual instruction for God's people." You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth p.192
Bible history proves that this is not the case. For the majority of history God has not used any organization. He predominantly has operated through individuals, and has regularly dealt with more than one group at a time. Originally God dealt directly with Adam and Eve. He continued to deal directly with Abel, and also directly with the unrighteous man Cain. (Gen 4:15) For the next 2000 years there is no mention of any organization or intervention by God, except for when God deal with two individuals; Enoch and Noah. After the flood Jehovah continued to deal with individuals rather than with an organization. He concurrently dealt separately with individuals such as Lot and Abraham.
Though an organization is never mentioned by Jesus, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that all other Christian religions will be destroyed by God because they do not follow Watchtower defined truth. Jesus said "He that believes has everlasting life"(John 6:47) and "I know my sheep and my sheep know me"(John 10:14). When a Jehovah's Witness reads passages like these they are trained to understand "whoever believes what the Watchtower says about Jesus may have everlasting life", and "the sheep know me, only by means of the Watchtower Society". This is not unique; it is common that "the cult and its beliefs become the only true path to salvation." (Combating Cult Mind Control, Hassan, p.202).
It is apparent that for most of the history of the Bible, Jehovah did not have a visible organization. Even during the short period that he used the Nation of Israel he regularly dealt with individuals in preference to the leaders of that organization, as was also the case during early Christian times.


jworld said...
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jworld said...

"Though an organization is never mentioned by Jesus, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that all other Christian religions will be destroyed by God because they do not follow Watchtower defined truth."

You are implying here that the bible says any and all belief is OK and acceptable to God? A lot of people say they are following the bible but the customs and beliefs they ascribe to are also not in the bible!

It may be that from your study you represent the very few that have arrived at the real truth (the few that Jesus said were on the cramped and narrow road leading to life). What does the bible say regarding how those that refuse that truth will be dealt with?

Theocratic Joker said...

"A lot of people say they are following the bible but the customs and beliefs they ascribe to are also not in the bible!"

This statement is also true of Jehovah's Witnesses.

jworld said...
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