What I find amazing is that they NEVER tell you what the "Apostates" say about them that we are not to believe.
Besides, if the "Apostates: are telling lies, what power would a liar have in telling things easily disproved? What bad argument made by a hater could not be defeated by a better and more factual one? How can Apostates be so powerful that you must treat them as monsters rather than pathetic distorters of truth?
Fact of the matter is this. What the Organization is suffering from is MORAL COWARDICE!
The weakness of their position leaves them without actual rebuttal! Consequently, they must pump up the volume on the monstrous evil of those who might expose their enfeeblement; reciting the true history of their false prophecies.
How did Jesus deal with those who followed him and turned against him?
With Judas, Jesus told him to do what he must do quickly! No fear, no bother, no condemnations or turning a deaf ear in Jesus' behavior. Jesus even allowed Judas to approach and kiss him on the cheek! Peter denied him 3 times! Jesus rewarded him with the KEYS of the KINGDOM!! Jesus did not browbeat him or condemn him or use Peter as an example of what behavior to avoid. Jesus quietly OVERLOOKED Peter's shabby treatment!! Why the disparity between Jesus attitude and the Organization's paranoia? MORAL COWARDICE!
The FDS cannot morally defend their wretched past! They cannot own up to heaping shame on Jehovah's name by associating their failed prediction with Divine Direction! Their covert fellowship with the Wild Beast and the False Prophet is indefensible!
Morality is inconsequential to this organization because it has an amoral agenda! Their only resort is Ad Hominem attacks, cult pressure and ignominious pretense at righteous indignations!
Jesus stood toe to toe and face to face with his accusers and dealt with their complaints, issues, wrong ideas and inconsistancies. How?
By answering them point by point and asking them pointed questions in return! Why? HE WAS NOT A MORAL COWARD!
Truth is a two-edged sword; an amazing weapon no lie can stand against! There is nothing in the FDS scabbard but a handle and broken blade. It snapped in two hacking away at the Gordian Knot of scriptural knowledge they could not unravel because they never had the Holy Spirit, Jesus' Kingdom nor Jehovah's direction!!
The FDS is the Evil Slave that browbeats those trying to do a good job for the master. They've taken advantage of the delay (the Armageddon predicted which never seems to come!) to abuse the little ones and pressure them with great burdens that make no sense.
Moral Cowardice is empty of rebuttal on merit. It calls names and points fingers and hides its shame by puffing up and pretending virtues where they do not exist!
Fact of the matter is this. What the Organization is suffering from is MORAL COWARDICE!
The weakness of their position leaves them without actual rebuttal! Consequently, they must pump up the volume on the monstrous evil of those who might expose their enfeeblement; reciting the true history of their false prophecies.
How did Jesus deal with those who followed him and turned against him?
With Judas, Jesus told him to do what he must do quickly! No fear, no bother, no condemnations or turning a deaf ear in Jesus' behavior. Jesus even allowed Judas to approach and kiss him on the cheek! Peter denied him 3 times! Jesus rewarded him with the KEYS of the KINGDOM!! Jesus did not browbeat him or condemn him or use Peter as an example of what behavior to avoid. Jesus quietly OVERLOOKED Peter's shabby treatment!! Why the disparity between Jesus attitude and the Organization's paranoia? MORAL COWARDICE!
The FDS cannot morally defend their wretched past! They cannot own up to heaping shame on Jehovah's name by associating their failed prediction with Divine Direction! Their covert fellowship with the Wild Beast and the False Prophet is indefensible!
Morality is inconsequential to this organization because it has an amoral agenda! Their only resort is Ad Hominem attacks, cult pressure and ignominious pretense at righteous indignations!
Jesus stood toe to toe and face to face with his accusers and dealt with their complaints, issues, wrong ideas and inconsistancies. How?
By answering them point by point and asking them pointed questions in return! Why? HE WAS NOT A MORAL COWARD!
Truth is a two-edged sword; an amazing weapon no lie can stand against! There is nothing in the FDS scabbard but a handle and broken blade. It snapped in two hacking away at the Gordian Knot of scriptural knowledge they could not unravel because they never had the Holy Spirit, Jesus' Kingdom nor Jehovah's direction!!
The FDS is the Evil Slave that browbeats those trying to do a good job for the master. They've taken advantage of the delay (the Armageddon predicted which never seems to come!) to abuse the little ones and pressure them with great burdens that make no sense.
Moral Cowardice is empty of rebuttal on merit. It calls names and points fingers and hides its shame by puffing up and pretending virtues where they do not exist!
Thank you very much. From Spain.
Apostates are idiots.
They are cowards.
There is no reason to be critical of Jehovah's Witnesses. We are the true relgion. If apostates would behave themselves and support the Christ, there would be much more better things happening.
Apostates are idiots.
They are cowards.
There is no reason to be critical of Jehovah's Witnesses. We are the true relgion. If apostates would behave themselves and support the Christ, there would be much more better things happening.
Why does everyone assume that those they have labeled as apostates are bad people who are misbehaving? Most who are know labeled as apostates by JWs where people who mearly had a doubt and asked a question. How are "apostates" cowards? They don't hide and cut themselves off from everyone who has an opposing view point. No, they will be more than happy to discuss any topic and look at any material presented. Unlike JWs who are so afraid of what am "apostate" may say they JWs won't even speak or look at anything that isn't WatchTower approved. NOw that is cowardice, if you were truly strong in your belief you would have nothing to fear from "apostates".
JW's do not need to answer to whom doesn't know what to believe himself. Apostates don't have any to believe; they are absolutely Satan's friends, trying to do him desires... nothing else. What are you talking about doubts?
Sorry for my English, I speak Spanish.
Go (in Spanish) to cristianosdeverdad.blogspot.com if you have a true doubt about some doctrinal topics. I am not JW but certainly a friend. Not apostates, never; Satan's friends. What do a cristian have to do with a Satan's friend?
Why do you think you're the right one?
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