Sunday, June 15, 2008

From The Canadian District Convention

Interesting notes from the first round of district conventions in Canada: A new tract entitled "You Can Trust the Creator!" was said to be prepared uniquely for aboriginals in Canada.
Secondly, unrelated to the above-mentioned tract, was the announcement that there WILL be a campaign just before next year's international conventions to invite the public (worldwide, I imagine).
Jehovah's Witnesses always find a way to court the poor and indigent. Not to help them, but to manipulate them with fear into joining the Watchtower religion.



send me publications of jw secret books ,new books of convention 2008 etc or write to me saying yor story. my name rege filho de israel.but use only rege adress rua sao joao n100-bairro oliveira cep 44695-000. Capim grosso Bahia(state)-brazil(brasil).send me please

AndYourPointIs said...

"Jehovah's Witnesses always find a way to court the poor and indigent. Not to help them, but to manipulate them with fear into joining the Watchtower religion."

So is this fact, or simply your extremely biased opinion?

Let me ask you how is it that you help those that you "free" from the Watchtower in a spiritual sense? How do you help them build a relationship with Christ?

Oh wait. You DON'T.

Next time you wake up and look in the mirror, reflect on what your life has been reduced to.

An internet blog.