Sunday, November 28, 2010

Secret Elder's Meeting At The End of December

All elders are meeeting together at the end of December 2010 for a special meeting. Elders are instructed to read certain chapters in the new elder's book. One of the topics being duscussed is allowing a disfellowshipped relative back into your home if an emergency arises. I'll let you know more about the meeting when I get more news.


Anonymous said...

I put the new elder book that they'll be studying up on DivShare if anyone wants it.

Yay for being liberated from this nonsense.

enigmatic said...

Awesome, thanks!

enigmatic said...

I haven't followed closely, but browsing through Junk's link, it looks like there is an adjusted view and relabeling of the conduct formerly known as 'Loose'.

Chp 5 par. 9, under the subheading "Offenses Requiring Judicial Decisions", is a category labeled 'Brazen Conduct, loose conduct'. There is a retooling of the term 'loose conduct' and a description of 'Brazen Conduct' that is written poorly enough, or, at least ambiguously enough, that gives elders more power in 'judgement situations'.

Bud said...

Wouldn't it be great if at the elders school they learned useful stuff like marriage counseling and how to help families struggling to get by in the difficult financial times. Instead they will fine tune the approaches to punishing the JW's unfortunate enough to get caught.

jworld said...

It's interesting that so much time is spent on the DF'ing stuff (both from the WT and from the blog-sphere) when at the end of the day most of it doesn't matter. I remember a certain sister who was considered a pillar in the congregation by everyone including the body of elders, who totally disregarded the DF'ing arrangement. She would say hi to DF'd people attending the meeting and it was well known that she would talk to her DF'd daughter on a regular basis (including when we were there for Sunday afternoon brunch).