Raymond Franz was a member of the Governing Body. When he could no longer tolerate what was being taught and practiced in the organization he left and gave up the only life he had ever known. Franz realized that the Watchtower organization is just another apocalyptic group founded in the mid-late 1800s. Franz left because he was concerned with what makes a group truly a cult, which is control by the leaders over its members. He explains how the Watchtower even monitored its members bedroom activities. He speaks of disfellowshippings where families were encouraged to "shun" other members who had been kicked out of the Watchtower, effectively ruining the lives of thousands people. Franz documented and explained failed prophecy, which caused many trusting members of the "truth" to sell homes, postpone college, and other goals in order to be ready for the end. Of course, this brave man has been demonized by the Watchtower and is referred to by many non-flattering names.
Poor Raymond. Not enough attention at Bethel? What subversive things was he up to at Bethel before he was asked to leave? He left when there were 2 1/2 million Witnesses. Now there are 7 million ACTIVE Witnesses. Couldn't be patient and humble Mr. Franz? Couldn't wait to see how Jehovah would work things out. It is never about the glory of the individual but the progress of the work that needs to be done before the end of the system of things. You were not above scrutiny Raymond Franz.
I am sure your book will keep you solvent until the end of this system of things. You have been a useful tool for the god of this system of things. How many lives have been destroyed because of the lies you have told?
Typical witness response. Everybody is wrong, everybody is at fault but the Watchtower organization. How many lives have been destroyed because of the Watchtower's opinions which they claim are scriptually based, only to have to change those opinions. Just because the Watchtower has increased in number since Franz' departure does not mean this religion has God's favor. In fact, in this same time the Catholics have gained many more members, as have the Baptists and the Pentecostals. I believe that when one of the Governing Body farts all Witnesses will take it as a sign that they have God's approval!
How many lives have been SAVED by Mr Franz and his books?
Thank you Mr RAYMOND FRANZ, may God bless you!
Anonymous 1, you are not using your brain, are you - that's why you come out with stupid statistics. There's something like 3 billion muslims on the planet - are their increasing numbers indicative of 'Jehovah working things out'? How pathetic. As usual you choose to absolve all personal accountability and basic thought.
"Couldn't be patient and humble Mr. Franz? Couldn't wait to see how Jehovah would work things out."
God helps those who help themselves!
All you JW's on this site are so bitter and angry.
Did you catch the last thought/observation from this Time writer/author? ("They [JW's] have necessarily backed off the 1975 date, but the End must occur during the lifetime of people who still remember the earthly events of 1914. With the rapidly thinning ranks of such oldsters, the Witnesses confront an increasingly troublesome, self-imposed and absolute deadline.") ... Take note how this worldly writer spotted a problem with the "generation understanding" in 1982!!! As we know, the understanding of this generation was officially changed at the end of 1995 - many years after this article first appeared - and incredibly, changed [yet again] in 2007! How do we know it won't change again??? We don't. Not too comforting from an organization that claims to be hand-picked by God himself and to have a lock on "the truth". Truth? Like love, it's all in the eyes of the beholder.
Ray Franz says that Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth.
I heard it with my own ears.
Doesnt anyone in the JW even know the history of the russelite movement and their less than pristine profit/founder? God gave us senses, why be afraid to do a bit of research? look up the house that Joe rutherford built> look up how much the WTS pulls in every year. Where do those billions go. Hey, just for fun lets talk about the smurf scare of the 80s. If that wasnt mass brainwashing... what is? Ask questions people, God gave you the ability to question. You have to be able to see the cover ups, policy flip flops, favouritism among the elite, discouraging of education (after all the new system is around the corner) look at all the predictions, back tracking, complete reversals... and even altering the Bible ? If this is gods handpicked, the pickings must have been slim
Doesnt anyone in the JW even know the history of the russelite movement and their less than pristine profit/founder? God gave us senses, why be afraid to do a bit of research? look up the house that Joe rutherford built> look up how much the WTS pulls in every year. Where do those billions go. Hey, just for fun lets talk about the smurf scare of the 80s. If that wasnt mass brainwashing... what is? Ask questions people, God gave you the ability to question. You have to be able to see the cover ups, policy flip flops, favouritism among the elite, discouraging of education (after all the new system is around the corner) look at all the predictions, back tracking, complete reversals... and even altering the Bible ? If this is gods handpicked, the pickings must have been slim
"Doesnt anyone in the JW even know the history of the russelite movement and their less than pristine profit/founder?"
Russell was not a prophet. A prophet is required to have original information.
And Russell is not our founder. That would be like calling Josiah the founder of Israel. Josiah just reestablished true worship. The same with Russell.
" God gave us senses, why be afraid to do a bit of research? "
Exactly. And doing that research told me that Russell is not our founder.
"look up the house that Joe rutherford built> look up how much the WTS pulls in every year. "
I don't know what that has to do with our religion.
"Where do those billions go. Hey, just for fun lets talk about the smurf scare of the 80s."
Smurf scare??? Give me a break. There was no such thing.
" If that wasnt mass brainwashing... what is? "
You are brainwashed to think that matters.
"Ask questions people, God gave you the ability to question."
I do and that is why I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
" You have to be able to see the cover ups, policy flip flops, favouritism among the elite, discouraging of education (after all the new system is around the corner)"
None of those have anything to do with the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. Those are just things that people have done. The religion is not about people.
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