Without a doubt the most time-worn excuse of Jehovah's Witnesses when it comes to errors, omissions and failures of the Jehovah's Witnesses' parent organization goes something like this:
"Well the writers of the Society are not inspired."
The statement above is certainly true. The writers for the Society certainly are not inspired. We all know this. The problem however, is that they don't seem to know it.
At this point the believing Jehovah's Witness will immediately object with something to this effect: "Show me where they've directly claimed to be inspired."
However this is a thinly disguised bifurcation. There are other ways to claim you are inspired besides the explicit statement thereof. Although there are many examples on this very blog where they directly claim inspiration. this time I'd like to concentrate on the picture shown above.
The meaning of this picture is unmistakable. Control of Jehovah's Witnesses' literature publication rests in Jehovah's hands. Jehovah's Witnesses' literature literally comes from God's hands to yours. The issue of imperfection is immaterial when someone is claiming to represent God, or to be dispensing spiritual food from God, since God is not imperfect.
You finally understand....it's about time. This is Jehovah's organization, accomplishing the preaching of the good news. Jehovah's Witnesses don't deny this, we look for direction from God's organization. We love the Brothers that are so self sacrificing at Bethel and all around the world. They have given up everything to help guide the 7 million who have dedicated their lives to Jehovah. Thank you, dear brothers!
What a beautiful magazine, the Watchtower. Have you read it lately? It is available on the Internet any time you want to be built up spiritually.
I wouldn't worry about Mr. Franz. After writing his hateful book and whining about not being made famous for his so called understanding of the Bible; you folks have kept him financially sucessful by buying his book. ;-)
Nothing has kept the Organization from moving forward because it is blessed by, supported by and guided by Jehovah God and his son Jesus.
Well if you believe that the Organization is guided by Jehovah to the exclusion of all other religions, that they are inspired, then more power to you. Perhaps you also believe that The Governing Body is in constant communication with Jehovah. You know, one on one conversation where he talks to them, they talk to him. Of course, it is a documented fact that there is a high incidence of mental illness among Witnesses. You might want to get yourself checked out.
Oh dear anonymous, I weep for your pathetic state of mind. You thank the 'dear brothers' on an apostate website - are you insane?
Are you really so stupid as to think that anyone here rates your bizarre 'accomplishments'? You must be, if you really think you can convince anyone of your 'self-sacrificing' spirit, as indeed the 'beauty' of the Watchtower. You're not brainwashed, merely braindead.
Thanks for the kind invitation to read the Watchtower online. I'm sure that if people want to become selfish, hating, judgmental and pathetic, they know right where to go! Oh, and braindead, of course.
It's funny you make mention of apostates keeping Franz solvent - isn't that what your 7 million 'brothers' do for the governing body? With their plush residences and private jet? More fool to you. The rest of humanity can recognise your stupidity - you'd do well to do some emergency thinking. I'm embarrassed to read what you wrote - surely people cannot be this daft.
ronde, where are you??? you are always saying the JW's are so independant from the Watchtower!!!
Pleas, give your comment on what your "brother"(anonymous) says here...."What a beautiful magazine, the Watchtower." "Nothing has kept the Organization from moving forward...." he calls it an organization!
So much for that unitedness you JW's are always bragging about.
not only are the not inspired. they can't write worth crap...thus why it's important for the 'believers' not to go to college to understand just how quickly any wtbts writer would be fired from a school newspaper for their shoddy research.
The Organization do not want anybody to progress to higher education because they will find out how to write essays properly with references and accuracy. They will recognize the third rate propaganda machine the Watchtower magazine really is.
I love individual JWs...my daughter is one, and there are many good decent people in the Organization...I am sad that their minds are controlled as mine was for such a long time, and you can only see it when you are stood on the other side.
And what are you doing, reading Ray Franz's apostate book?...no wonder you post anonymously, obviously you are a coward who knows the consequences of admitting such things to your Congregation elders.
This is an excellent post. Although the leaders have constantly said, we aren't inspired (and that's why we make mistakes), it encourages people (JW's) to believe that Jehovah is dispensing information to the pages of the Watchtower - isn't that the very definition of inspired???
I prefer to listen to the 1986 District convention talk" Are You Satisfied With Jehovah's Spiritual Provisions?"
I would suggest you do too.
GBLetters spewed:"Well if you believe that the Organization is guided by Jehovah to the exclusion of all other religions,"
Well, since I am 1/7 millionth of the organization, (Where do people get this idea that the organization is the Watchtower Society), I say that I am guided by Jehovah. You will have to ask the other 7 million individually. However all of us collectively form Jehovah's Organization and we are guided by him.
All other religions are a bunch of doggie do.
" that they are inspired, then more power to you."
Well, thank you for saying that I am inspired. But I don't need to be.
" Perhaps you also believe that The Governing Body is in constant communication with Jehovah."
Since I don't concern myself with the governing body, and they are 998.54 miles away, I will leave that to you.
" You know, one on one conversation where he talks to them, they talk to him. "
Yes, it is called prayer. And they do that quite a bit. I have heard them give prayers at assemblies. You ought to go to one.
"Of course, it is a documented fact that there is a high incidence of mental illness among Witnesses. You might want to get yourself checked out."
Thank you, but it is not documented. It is another of your fabrications. Unless you talk to Jerry Bergman. He documents that all of us are crazy. Hubba Hubba.
"Oh dear anonymous, "
One anonymous criticizing another.
Ho ho, ha ha.
So funny.
Kimmy Jimmy said "ronde, where are you??? you are always saying the JW's are so independant from the Watchtower!!!"
No, I say that the wise and understanding ones stand on their own two feet and the conservatives and liberals all bow to the Watchtower.
"Pleas, give your comment on what your "brother"(anonymous) says here...."
Which anonymous, there are so many?
""What a beautiful magazine, the Watchtower." "Nothing has kept the Organization from moving forward...." he calls it an organization!
So much for that unitedness you JW's are always bragging about."
You don't make any sense.
I believe he said "What a beautiful magazine, the Watchtower. Have you read it lately? It is available on the Internet any time you want to be built up spiritually."
I agree.
He also said "Nothing has kept the Organization from moving forward because it is blessed by, supported by and guided by Jehovah God and his son Jesus."
And I agree. He did not say that the Watchtower moves it forward, he said it is Jehovah's blessing that does it.
Steve said:
"And what are you doing, reading Ray Franz's apostate book?...no wonder you post anonymously, obviously you are a coward who knows the consequences of admitting such things to your Congregation elders."
There is nothing forbidding the reading of it. It is good for a laugh, and then a sigh that a person would give up the kingdom of the heavens as he did.
There are no consequences for reading Ray's book. Other than wasted days and wasted nights.
The elders won't and can't say anything about it especially since circuit overseers said "Do what you want, but do what is wise"
"No, I say that the wise and understanding ones stand on their own two feet and the conservatives and liberals all bow to the Watchtower."
ronde what kind of comment is that within the shell of the toad??
This is another example that supports the point being made. Look at this quote from a Watchtower with its questionable statements and contradictions. “The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. . . . Jehovah God is the great Teacher of his children. To be sure, the publication of these truths is put forth by imperfect men, and for this reason they are not absolutely perfect in form; but they are put forth in such form as reflects God’s truth that he teaches his children.” - The Watchtower of November 1, 1931, in the article “Taught of God.” Where do you start? The first statement: “The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men”. What does that mean? It can only mean one thing: that The Watctower is “His” instrument as it’s “not the instrument of any man or set of men”. Of course, the problem this presents is obvious. How to you explain the many errors (i.e. see www.freeminds.org, www.jwfacts.com , etc.)? Well, the next line attempts to do this: “the publications of these truths is put forth by imperfect men”. So, the Watchtower is “His” instrument but can contain errors because it’s put forth by imperfect men. Do you see the problem with this? The Bible is Jehovah God’s instrument and none of it is in error “although” he used imperfect men to write it. Why would God use an instrument said to “publish truths” when He knew it would contain errors. That’s foolish and non-sensible. Notice the last statement, “and for this reason they – the publication of these truths – are not absolutely perfect in form; but they are put forth in such form as reflects God’s truth that he teaches his children.” Is that not a contradictory statement??? – ‘not absolutely perfect in form but put forth in such form as reflects God’s truth that he teaches his children’. Stop. My head is spinning.
JoePublish said
"The Watchtower of November 1, 1931, in the article “Taught of God.” Where do you start?"
Why not start and end with the writer? But I don't find a problem with it.
"How to you explain the many errors"
What is there to explain?
Oh my dear Ronde... you are the first to cry out when someone else uses the same idiotic responses that you used in your responses. "That" is the very definition of "hypocrite". Your response to this is so weak and wanting.
Look, when you go to someone (as JW’s have been doing for over a century) and tell them that you possess the truth of the Bible, that’s not the same as telling them that it “changes”. Of course JW’s never tell people that from the outset – that comes much later. However, “Real truth” NEVER changes.
Now, if you went to people’s doors and said something like, ‘we “believe” we have the truth, but understand that our teachings can change at any moment (i.e. generation changes)’, then you would be making a more accurate statement.
But, JW’s don’t to that… they say, we have [possess] the “truth”. (Remember the Truth that Leads to Eternal Life book?] History has proven that they don’t have a lock on the truth – thus the need to cancel the publication of the “Truth” book. And JW’s history of changes keeps repeating itself, so no JW today can say 100% for sure that “their version of the truth” won’t change tomorrow.
You know that, but then you try to minimize these critical points by trying to portray an attitude of “who cares if it changes”. There are many who do care that JW’s leaders have misled people by claiming to be the sole channel of truth. The Bible is that sole channel, not an organization led my imperfect men who claim to have been hand-picked by God.
Bottom line is that you [JW’s] should never go to a householder's door and say to them, “We have the Truth” without also reading a footnote that says something like: “This is the Truth, until it changes and it undoubtedly will. Then previous truths will become old truths and we must no longer refer to them as truth anymore.”
Interesting how JW’s have invented their own definition of terms, like “old truths”. There is no such thing as an “old” truth – it was never the truth to begin with. Of course the way the WTS gets away with this is to come up with the New Light doctrine – which basically makes it okay to teach something as truth today even if it changes tomorrow. Because if it changes, those changes came from God, so we shouldn’t question why God got the first interpretation wrong.
The New Light doctrine is nonsensical, and is why it’s difficult to talk with a JW’s because it causes them to talk in circles
well said joe publish
Does anyone know the magazine or book the top picture comes from?
Have you read the Feb 2017 issue of the watchtower study Edition?
"The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction."
In the November episode of JW Broadcasting, Gerrit Losch openly admitted that the Governing Body is not inspired nor infallible. He also said that they are still 'roving about' in their search for truth. Gerrit forgot to admit one more thing, they should be held accountable for the death of Eloise Dupuis and others who have died for not accepting a blood transfusion. After all, it was the GB's doctrines that drove these people to their deaths.
It is estimated that over 50,000 witnesses have died due to their blood doctrine. in their "shepherd the flock of god" secret book given only to the elders on page 111 chapter 9 that if a witness has a blood transfusion that persons privileges should be removed but only for a short time. The elders would rather you die and be a martyr than tell you that you can be transfused
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