Sunday, February 27, 2011

April 15, 2011 Discourages Internet At Home

The subheading is "Guard Your heart by exercising self-control. On page 27 paragraph 17 it says "One way a person could wonder into the foolish course of the "young man in want of heart" is by aimlessly flipping though television channels or surfing the Internet. Whether intentionally or not, he might chance upon sexually stimulating scenes. He could gradually develop the unclean habit of viewing pornography, with devastating consequences to his conscience and his relations with God. It could involve his very life."

It than says in paragraph 18 "Of course, we can and should exercise self-control by taking immediate action if we are confronted with a provocative image. But how much better if we avoid the situation in the first place. Setting appropriate safeguards and adhering to them involve the exercise of self-control.

Here is where it gets strange and bizarre (at least to me it does.) It goes on to say "For example, keeping the computer in an open area can serve as a protection. Some find it best to use the computer or watch television only when other are present. Other have decided not to have access to the Internet."

They are not talking about children here they are talking about adult members of the religion and having the computer in the open and not watching TV by yourself because you might not be able to resist temptation? They have to tell adults this? I was thinking who is in this religion that is so out of control? If adult member of this religion have to have this spelled out to them then Jehovah help us. No wonder there is such a problem with child molesters in the halls.

Does Jehovah thinks that his people are so stupid, so foolish, so weak that they cannot control themselves? The internet is an integral part of life today and not having access to it is simply ridiculous. The entire article was incredibly insulting.


N/A said...

"...who is in this religion that is so out of control?" There are a lot of brothers who are addicted to porn. They are out of control. They've allowed the demons into their life and the demons are delighted.

Many years ago the org. used to DF those who made a practice of using porn. Not any longer. Some time during the 1990's the attitude changed. Being a repeat offender of using porn may generate a special needs talk in the congregation, but the brothers no longer form a judicial committee, unless the offender actually committed fornication with a real person.

I know sisters who went through many years of marriage with a brother addicted to porn, which eventually led to adultery. Because of the relaxed attitude of the elders towards porn, the brothers with porn addictions almost always progress to more serious sin. It's a very hard addiction to break, and certainly does warrant the elders suggesting that a person with a porn addiction avoid having internet access. That's how out of control these brothers are. If you have ever seen what it does to a person, you would understand.

StandFirm said...

The context is talking about pornography. So if a person has an addiction to pornography such drastic measures may be needed.

(Matthew 5:29-30) If, now, that right eye of yours is making you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. For it is more beneficial to you for one of your members to be lost to you than for your whole body to be pitched into Gehenna. Also, if your right hand is making you stumble, cut it off and throw it away from you. For it is more beneficial to you for one of your members to be lost than for your whole body to land in Gehenna.

kcq71 said...

What a misleading statement. You apostates are some of the funniest people around. What kind of person devotes his life to attempting to destroy a religon? I have never read anything positive about anything here. The organization is on the internet stupid! The slave is not anti- technology . If you visited bethel you would know that! You really are a sad person .

Unknown said...

I'm laughing out loud. It's humorous that you feel a technology that wasn't widely available to developed societies just 15 years ago is now so 'integral' to life. Believe it or not, you could throw your computer out, and guess what? You won't die! Addictions rarely go away. The easiest way not to be used by them is to eliminate their food. The advice is valid for those who are addicted to pornography, but who wish to apply the bible's counsel to 'deaden therefore your body members', to not let 'your eye stumble you' and to 'flee from fornication'. Ad Infinitum.

Nancy said...

Simple is best. There is a web sight called Biblos that has the Bible in translation and it is also free (very free). OK so it is published by Babylon the Great. (only true to the truly ignorant-it is sarcasm). AND why are they who fight with words calling themselves brothers? And if man is made in the image of God and Galatians 5:16 is true then why all the article about self control. Is the congregation NOT walking by spirit?

magpie black said...

My husband an ex elder but a pioneering publisher
is addicted to porn. He no longer shares a bedroom with me. He does this so he now has full access to his laptop daily. He has two laptops, one for spiritual things and the the other for his porn. Do I have any grounds for adultery and divorce? From faithful wife hiding my husbands secrets for over eigthteen years

magpie black said...

My husband an ex elder but a pioneering publisher
is addicted to porn. He no longer shares a bedroom with me. He does this so he now has full access to his laptop daily. He has two laptops, one for spiritual things and the the other for his porn. Do I have any grounds for adultery and divorce? From faithful wife hiding my husbands secrets for over eigthteen years

blueeyedblonde said...

I understand your pain magpie black. I left my long term porn addict husband and have suffered all the discipline for it when I have done nothing wrong. I am not the hypocrite.
You have grounds for a divorce but not scriptural according to the organisation. One day the governing body will recognise long term pornography addiction and sex chat rooms as adultery.

Don't hide your husbands secrets. He can look good to everyone else but Jehovah sees everything. You will be a lot happier by not covering up for him.