Thursday, July 31, 2008

Changes in Disfellowshipping

Watchtower April 1, 1920, pp.100, 101
We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel. If others see it in a different way, that is their privilege. There should be full liberty of conscience. Nice, huh?


kimmy jo said...

Wow! Things sure have changed. Now a days you are an apostate if you do not believe it is the lords channel or you are just a goat awaiting the slaughter. And Jehovah's Witnesses pride themselves on the very fact that they will live and you will be destroyed. They fear the ones that do not except the Watchtower.(BOO!) Presumptuous if you ask me, even arrogant.
Pride and presumptuosness, a couple unloving characteristics of the entire group of Witnesses taught by the Watchtower Org.. Truely in representation of a loving God!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah right!

"That was old light!", the defenders are sure to cry...

Unknown said...

The only ones that complains are those that do not maintain complete biblical views or maintain a clean moral life. such as: those that smoke(both tobacco or any form of drug), being immoral, fornication,lie, steal,..... so the next time someone is complaining just set back and see what kind of life they are living. Just because the general population thinks its okay, doesn't mean the Jesus Says it is! We live in accordance within the standards of the Bible, not man! So having a pity party is not the avenue to take. They only reason anyone gets disfellowedshipped is because the refuse to repent and change their wrong doing way! So tell the truth! It's amazing that people don't want to admit to people they did wrong. Why? Their Pride....Just like the father of the lie....Satan the Devil...his Pride got in the way!

Unknown said...

They only reason anyone gets disfellowedshipped is because the refuse to repent and change their wrong doing way! So tell the truth!

Wow, how presumptuous of you. My disfellowshipping was at 19 yrs of age (coerced to be baptised at 12 when I knew nothing of disfellowshipping and what would happen) I fell in love and had a cigarette. The elders asked me to stop seeing the man I had fallen in love with, and said to stop smoking. I told them I can't promise that I'll never not have another cigarette again in my life because THAT IS THE TRUTH, and it was unfair and inhumane to control my romantic life and ask me to cut my feelings off for the love of my life. They disfellowshipped me, not because I REFUSED TO REPENT, I was in love, lots of kids have a first cigarette, and they took it in their own hands and removed me from my family and everyone I knew because of love. They asked me to remove love from my heart, I said I couldn't and its not fair to ask me to do that, and they took all the family/friends love out of my life with the abusive method called disfellowhipping. Most horrible, hateful practice that took 15000 lives last year. And I still don't have a Mother after 23 years. So get off your high horse there lady, I put 15 years of straight pioneering, and volunteering at assemblies, and was an excellent sister to so many. Life changed, my heart opened and found love. And I got punished for it. So SAVE YOUR JUDGEMENTS AND BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T LIVED IN OTHERS SHOES.

Unknown said...

I'm floored with your arrogance...I also had a girlfriend who was a JW and she got beaten on a regular basis by her JW husband, and this is going back 18 years, when you couldn't leave your marriage because of abuse, it wasn't allowed. She had to have a one night stand to officially exile herself so she wouldn't have to withstand any more beatings from this horrible Jehovah's Witness male, and she had to sacrifice her whole family, siblings as well. Disfellowshipping is never black and white, its a horrifying deadly painful severing of family bonds, and it is very close to being made illegal if this class action goes all the way. You should just have a gander at the suicide rate among ex-Witnesses once they get disfellowshipped. So until you've been abandoned by 1000s of friends and your whole family, and experienced being looked at as contaminated due to different belief systems or circumstances, I would seriously keep your fingers in tow. And you sound like a rehearsed JW robot "We live in accordance within the standards of the Bible, not man!" yeah well....tell that to your scandalous child molesting Governing Body.

Anonymous said...

"The only ones that complains are those that do not maintain complete biblical views or maintain a clean moral life"

I've been an elder for 9 years and I'm sure you believe what you say but the reality is far from it, the 'shepherd the flock' book clearly states that the 3 elders on the judicial committee must be convinced of repentance with the word 'convinced' highlighted in bold type, this is regardless of whether the individual say's they are sorry and have stopped whatever it was that got them on a judicial committee in the first place, a recent training video at kingdom ministry school for elders that enacted a judicial committee emphasised this point very clearly, I was so disturbed by it that I am now about to resign as an elder. Please ask yourself, If the individual has stopped the sin and acknowledged wrongdoing why does it matter how much 3 imperfect men are convinced of this when God is not one to be mocked and we all stand in front of him at the end of the day? how convinced would you have been of the prodical son's genuine repentance given he only came back when he had squandered his belongings and was starving? society policy is far more similar to the attitude of the brother who pictures the Pharisees than to the father who pictures Jehovah